Request a tailored CALGreen proposal

California's ambitious environmental goals are setting a new benchmark for sustainable architecture and design nationwide. Ready to simplify your CALGreen compliance? Complete the form below to request a tailored proposal and let cove navigate the complexities for you.

What is CALGreen?

CALGreen is California's leading green building code, designed to enhance public health, safety, and welfare through improved building design and construction standards. Since its introduction, CALGreen has become the standard for sustainable building practices nationwide.

Effective July 1, 2024, updated CALGreen regulations will enforce strict embodied carbon reduction targets for new construction projects. Builders and developers must evaluate and reduce the embodied carbon in their projects, encouraging the use of low-carbon materials and sustainable construction practices.

These new regulations will require significant adjustments in building design and construction. While this presents challenges, such as the need for new assessment tools and processes, it also creates opportunities for innovation in sustainable materials and construction methods.