April 21st, 2023

At cove.tool, we not only want to help build a better world through sustainable building, but we take our mission to heart by adding little things to our personal daily routines that can make a big difference.

Here is how cove.tool employees go green:

Akshay Padwal: tote bags for groceries

David Kim: I commute by bike

Alec Garcia: I use a Lettuce Grow

Lily Peterson: Resuable totes for shopping, recycling, using sustainable products, thrifting

Will Schutte: Marta and walk to/from work. Walk to grocery store, use reusable totes (they also hold more eggs!).

Ryan Snowden: Walk to/from work, tote bags for groceries, electric car, and recycling.

Ed Akins: Tote bags, recycle, gardening this year, sign the Sierra Club: Break Free from Plastic Pollution Act

Daniel Chopson: Building a sustainable house: solar panels, fully electric (no natural gas), daylight optimized.

Louis Livingston: I take the Xpress bus to and from work.

Alex Locklair: Vegan/vegetarian lifestyle, don't use paper towels at home, recycling, thrifting/upcycling, choosing socially responsible brnads such as Patagonia

Patricia Kusumadjaja: I'm a garderner. I grow veggies & herbs & some fruits (blueberries & peaches). Also composting, currently looking for a compost tumbler.

Gail Tolbert: I use tote bags for groceries. I practice recycling. I take MARTA to and from work.

Udiksha Kapini: I use tote bags for grocies but in addition to that I also collect all plastic bags and have created a sort of convient dispenser by folding each of those carry bags to be used again. Also, follow a vegetarian lifestyle, waste segregation and recycling, take the MARTA/public shuttles almost everywhere within the city, and use a resuable straw that I carry around.


cove Insights