May 11th, 2023

Patricia Kusumadjaja, CEP, Assoc. AIA, cove.tool’s virtual design & construction director, releases part 3 of her feature series in Modern Contractor Solutions magazine

In this continuation piece, Kusumadjaja, the BIM specialist reflects on how data both in the early design phase and throughout the building’s life impacts a building’s overall lifecycle.

Using BIM and data-driven simulations, architects and engineers analyze design solutions based on factors like room layout, window placement, sunlight, electricity use, and thermal comfort. By addressing all variables through data-driven decision-making, designers aim to create and maintain a healthy building.

Additionally, giving a real-life example through her experience, she discusses how Georgia Tech’s Kendeda building, Georgia’s first building to be Living Building Challenge certified, used BIM, sustainable architecture and data to achieve their current sustainable building status.

Read more on this insightful journey from BIM to operational building lifecycle here.

Check out Part 2 here.

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