cove.tool platform
rhinoceros and grasshopper icon



rhinoceros 3d & grasshopper

cove Plugin for Rhinoceros + Grasshopper for building performance analysis

3-Step Efficient Workflow to Upload Geometry to cove using a pre-built grasshopper script. The script has been rebuilt from the ground up for easier use, viewing geometry errors, and security improvements! Integrates with your Rhino/Grasshopper workflow directly to upload any building geometry for automated building performance analysis. Save time and effort by inviting team members to your cove project and stay up-to-date on design decisions being made.

Version 4.2.1 Updates!

  • "Click to Upload" option removes the need to lock the solver and makes the upload process more seamless.

  • Visualize Daylight meshes and analyze results in the Rhino environment, including floor-wise sDA and ASE breakdown.

  • Total triangle Count and Triangle count breakdown for Geometry categories to help with the geometry upload process.

  • Added a filter for corrupted or malformed geometry objects.

  • Upload Single- or Multi-use projects from the same script.

  • Significant performance improvements.

  • Enhanced error feedback/flagging for a seamless upload experience.

  • Simplified geometry referencing and upload from existing projects.

  • Secure Login to ensure user privacy.

  • Auto-find cove projects through text search using the project URL or Project ID.

  • Added an area threshold to remove surfaces under 1 SF (improves performance).

  • Bug fixes and more!

rhinoceros grasshopper connection


Compatible Versions: Rhino 5, 6, 7, and 8

Download and extract the latest version of the to a location you will remember on your hard drive, then open in your Rhino model!

Installation (Rhino 6, Rhino 7, Rhino 8)

You may need to install the latest version of IronPython found here: IronPython.

Download the .msi installer and run. See here for a walkthrough: IronPython Step by step install

Installation (Rhino 5)

Download and install GhPython.


Tutorial and FAQs

1. Rhino/Grasshopper Plugin - v.4.2.0 - Workflow for 3D Mode, Daylight, and Energy

2. Exporting Parametric Geometry with the Rhino/Grasshopper Plugin


1. Sign up for an account.

2. Create a new project.

3. Copy the URL address from the project page.

4. Fill out the project information details, and click the Save & Continue button to advance to the Building Geometry page (this is what the plugin will export).

5. Switch over to Rhino.

Usage - in Rhino:

1. Open your model and Grasshopper.

2. Open the file and follow the instructions in the definition.

  • Provide your login, password, and paste the URL from the project page in the text panels.

  • Verify the correct project is selected. If not, double-check that your login and password are correct and recalculate or press F5.

  • Follow the directions in the script step by step.

3. Return to the Building Geometry page for your cove project and refresh the page. The appropriate area fields will now be populated and you can select 3D Mode to continue with the next steps.


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